I try to find the heart issue, what is going on behind the scenes in this child's heart that is causing this behaviour. the vs. that kept coming to mind...
"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble"
I of course used this vs. to encourage said child to put others in front of herself and to be teachable, because I'm sure that vs. was for her.....right???
now don't get me wrong, she did need corrected! I'm not saying that we should not correct our children, they need boundaries and they need to know that the world does not revolve around them, but so do we. my anger and reacting instead of responding was also wrong and God needed to deal with MY heart too.
admit it, you can see the tude!!!!
so what did I do? I took us for a walk :-)
some days you just need a little change of scenery to get a change of perspective. did it change everything?? no of course not, did it change our hearts just a little, yep:-)
I'm not going to lie, it was a long day (and its only 4:30)! but I am so glad that I listened to that still small voice that told me I was loosing it and needed to change direction!