It has been an amazing privilege to get to know this family from Taiwan this summer. Jennifer and Ben (the kids) spent a week with me in at TNC doing a missions trip and are going to Emmanuel for 2 weeks before they go back home! They are getting exposed to Jesus in a HUGE way :-)
The mom, Jean, is an visiting scholar at UT and we were connected through English corner. We laugh a lot together and can relate to each other about being moms of teenagers! that is universal!
Another dear young lady that I met while leading English Corner is asking a lot of questions and
is reading the gospel of John in her native language. I am able to share Jesus with her at UT when we both could be killed for doing that in her country! God is SOOOO good!
8 girls came to my first Bible Study!
We had a wonderful time getting to know each other and I'm really looking forward to learning and Growing together this semester. One amazing fact is that I have known 5 of the 8 some other way throughout the years but most did not know who I was! I have prayed for the last 6 months that God would lead me to who HE wanted in this study and he has led a girl that I taught Sunday school when she was 8, A girl that I took to volleyball when she was 12, two Emmanuel Alumni and a girl from Westgate! I did not seek these girls out! or would I have even known how to find them! God is amazing!
This last week has been full of prayer walks around campus, 2 English Corners, womens Bible study, freshmen picnic, activities fair, bonfire night on campus, taking a student without a car to UT, taking Ben and Jennifer home every afternoon, helping out at Emmanuel in the morning, getting ready for Lily's 13th birthday and tonight is Ellie's first Volleyball game.
I could not spend the hours that I do with students if it were not for your support and I would not be effective if it were not for your prayers!!!!
thank you
thank you
thank you
for me to continue working on campus I will need to raise some of my own support. If you would like to be a part of my ministry team please give to ACT and designate it to women's ministry.
612 E Wooster St
Bowling green Oh 43402