Sunday, September 21, 2014

women's Bible study and International Women

a picture is worth a thousand words, so this blog is mostly going to be pictures of all the amazing women I get to work with throughout the week! 

Girls sleepover

Girls Bible Study
We celebrated my baby brother Mike's 36th Birthday
 my broth

Ellie played 3 volleyball games and I kept score for all of them ;-)
went with Saudi women to a latino cultural event
made new friends....
English Corner/Conversation partners.....we took lots of pictures, but I can't share most of them!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

bend and don't break

As Paul and I walked past these amazing trees we were struck by how small around, yet tall they are! How can something so thin not break when our crazy wind blows!?!?!?

They are very flexible!
If these trees did not bend they would break!

It was windy today and these trees were swaying back and forth a ton....they are so tall, the tops are not protected by any other tree in the forest because they tower over them all, they never stop reaching for the sun.....

I am reminded that this is the only way we as Christians can continue to grow under the pressures of this life. We must  continually reach for the SON.

we MUST be flexible in the masters hands.

It is in being willing to bend to HIS will that we become unbreakable to the winds of this world.

And they grow in community!

 they help each other withstand the winds....I'm so glad I have this guy by my side, he helps me grow and he blocks the winds of this harsh world that try to knock me over!

Friday, September 5, 2014


Here are the girls that God sent me this quarter to mentor. We had a blast our first 2 meetings and I have no words for how excited I am for the rest of the year.

I am blown away at how HE has answered prayers and drawn just the girls he wanted in this group together. Two have a class together and got paired up for a class project....AFTER they both came separately to my study! Another girl I have known since she was 8 but I have not seen her in many years. another girl I have known since she was little, but she did not come because she knew who I was! And two of the girls graduated from Emmanuel.

One story I Have to share is about a girls who's Bible app didn't work on her phone so I fished one out of my book shelf....she got a strange look on her face and opened up to the front. it turns out that many years ago she was given the exact same adventure Bible as a gift and she can remember reading the 10 commandments for kids in the stuck out to her when she was in 4th grade....."save sex for marriage" she still remembers that moment when she read that. Our study is on Love Sex and Dating. It was confirmation for her that God wanted her to be in this study and that she should save sex for marriage.

I am super excited to have Q join us, she is the only "veteran" ACTer and she is an awesome asset! I am also having a great time getting to get to know my best friends (an ACT alum) daughter a lot better as she is in this study as well!

I have also met with 4 international women for conversation partners/English Corner. once the semester gets underway I'm am expecting that number to triple.

Add 17 Volleyball games to that and we are off to the races :-)

thank you all who support me! I could not do this without you!

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