My GOD, with HIS loving kindness will meet me.
psalm 59:10
How do we teach our kids about God? He is so abstract, hard to wrap our minds around, there are really not words that do HIM justice......
I have found that the best way for me to help my kids KNOW GOD is to help them SEE GOD in the world around them.
I point out the moon..
the flowers
the water, the trees
Yes, we read the Bible and pray together... Yes, we go to church... Yes, we serve.... Yes, we train to obey.... BUT I truly believe that the most important thing we do to help our children KNOW GOD is to open their eyes to the Beauty in the world around them and instill a gratefulness for that beauty, give credit to our loving FATHER and encourage them to talk to the one who made all this for them.
A God that we EXPERIENCE is a God that is very hard to deny.
If my eyes are on God, HIS beauty, HIS love, HIS grace, HIS power, HIS souvernty, HIS sacrifice then they are off of my self, my problems, my needs, my wants, my sacrifices, my tiredness.
The only way to get my eyes off myself is to put them onto God.
There are many ways to see God working in our lives, answered prayer, divine timing, evidence of HIS care, His help to do HIS work.
Take your kids on a God hunt today, take your own soul on a God hunt will be amazed at how easy He is to find:-)
love this song...