I recently heard a teaching on the parable of the lost son by Tim Keller. its 40min. long but well worth it!
I am convicted that often times I go about my life with a 'big brother" mentality., especially with my kids. thinking (and sometimes even saying!) that I have done everything right, I have sacrificed half my life to teach you and raise you right, I have taught you well..now go forth and be perfect and worship the ground I walk on.....OK, I am not that delusional, but I'm sure that some days that is what my pride sounds like to them and to God.
Why is it so hard for me to see that I can not EARN grace! I want to be able to earn lots of brownie points "stars in my crown" as it were so that then God will bless me, protect my family, make me "look good" to all my friends, well OK acquaintances, my friends all know better:-) Please tell me I'm not the only one who wants to look like she has it all together!
this "idol" of my heart to "look good" to everyone around me is what led me to do this blog. that, and a deep compassion for moms out there who are trying so hard to be "good enough". Can I encourage you that your good enough is different from everyone Else's good enough which is way different from Gods "good enough". So I give you permission to stop trying to be "good enough" because there is no such thing!
Going back to the prodigal son, I am struck at how the father reacts to a repentant heart. I wonder what would have happened had the son come back with money, dressed up, ready to show the father how good he was doing. some how I don't think the father would have welcomed him back in the same way.
Life is hard enough, we all have to much to do and to little time, we all have lots of people wanting a piece of us, the last thing we need to be spending energy on is trying to pretend like we have it all together...I don't, you don't (sorry to disappoint you) and God doesn't expect us to. What HE wants is teachable, open hearts willing to listen to HIS correction and open to HIS amazing love!
The Lord your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
take heart moms..God takes great delight in you and He rejoices over you!
if there is an area in your life that you need to repent, then do it, believe in your heart that God has forgiven you and go give that kind of love to your kids today!!!
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