Monday, June 25, 2012

Being a Mom is not for the faint of heart. If your a mom you know this. Not only do we get to clean up every kind of bodily fluid on a daily basis we also have to listen as our babies learn to go to sleep on their own.....much harder on us then it is on them!

We have to let them climb when we want to protect them from falling......

If we love our kids we will make sure that their life is not pain free, for pain is a very good teacher.

the other day I had an issue with one of my daughters, she was disrespectful and I called her on it and told her she needed to BE sorry, not SAY she was sorry. ANGER was all I got, not repentance at all. she was supposed to go to a friends house and I really wanted her to go, but after 4 chances and nothing but anger and rebellion I had to cancel the visit.....even more anger.
 Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish them with the rod, they will not die.

This is SO hard to do, we WANT our kids to be happy, its easier to ignore one unkind word or smart remark.....but one turns into 10 very quickly.

To often I take the lazy way out and ignore a sin in my life or in the life of my child, its just a little one, its not that big of a deal. Do I love my child enough to watch her struggle? do I love her enough to hold out for 20 hours as she stonewalls I love her enough to let her not like me???

Discipline your children, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to their death

I challenge you this week, call sin sin, confront it and do battle with IT not your child. Don't let Satan have a piece of your child's heart because its easier to ignore that LITTLE sin.

I am lazy, so often I fail at this, I know what I SHOULD do I just do not do it. I want to be the fun, cool mom so bad! but that is not loving them they way God has called me to love them.

Whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored.

We as moms CAN NOT let the sins that so easily entangle get a strangle hold on our kids. sin has to be called sin every time, dealt with in a firm but loving manner, trained with direction and grace but never with apathy or anger.

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.

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