My first month as a campus missionary
Active Christians Today

Last Friday we had an ice cream party at the house. Some of our students brought their international conversation partners! If you have never played "Apples to Apples" with international students you are missing out!

not to brag or anything but they kicked me out of the game when I won 6 out of the first 10 rounds ;-)
We were invited to Delta Church of Christ to share about ACT. We had a wonderful time leading worship and they treated us VERY kind. They through a paper shower for us and stocked our cupboards!

Some of the students helped me make cookies for a prison ministry and Change for Change in the O4 water jugs.

Dan is teaching about the attributes of God on Monday nights

And we all end up at the campus house after worship...where there is a LOT of laughter!

I have made 5 meals, gone to 4 parties, led 3 service nights, attended 4 worship services, played COUNTLESS games of catch phrase,taken students to work, hugged students as they cried over car accidents and sick grandmas, prayed for parents with cancer, texted many students and encouraged them to join us, spent many many lunch hours at the house with students, invited strangers to free food Fridays, painted the day is ever the same and I am LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT.
What do you get when you add 10 volleyball games, 2 bushels of tomatoes to can, a weekly housecleaning job, 5 meals for 40, 90 meals for 6, 30 loads of laundry, 20 dozen cookies, 40 students to get to know, 3 kids in a new school, and I could go on but I will very tired woman.

he leads me by still waters..... I took an afternoon to pray and refresh, only with HIM filling will I be able to overflow onto those He has called me to serve.
please pray that I will make good choices on how to spend my time and that I will stay well so I can continue to serve the students and serve my family the way God wants me to....I really love them.
- that they will manage their time well
- that they will make time to go to retreat
- that they will invite friends to ACT
- one has a mom with cancer
- one has a grandma in hospice
- many are struggling academically
- many are struggling financially
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