GOD IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
Before I share with you all God has done in the last 6 months I wanted you to see just WHO God chose to use! A big haired, strange little girl who posed with a rabbit for her senior pictures!
If you get NOTHING out of this please get that GOD can and will use ANY willing vessel!
I am obviously living proof of this fact!
This is the graduation of an international student named Boming. This young man has been a great friend to my son Luke. I have the honor of calling him son and He calls me mom. We got spend time with his father over break. As a young man from a country that rejects God he has seen the love of God in many different people and has chosen to follow Him.
picture removed for privacy
This sweet and beautiful young lady calls me mom. She has been in my English Corner for over a year and we have become very close. She and an ACT student named Mariah have become great friends and often after EC on Wednesdays they will both come to my home to hang out. Ghadeer has stayed for my Bible study and has heard the word of God simply because she likes to be in a "home"
This is a picture of a bake sale at The American English School for women and children. I have had the privilege to help with some classes here and this year I am teaching a parenting class. One of the ACT students helps care for the children in this program. It is amazing to see women from ALL OVER THE WORLD become close friends as they learn together.
Isn't it just like God to prepared me for this work by letting me adopt an older child and teaching her English!
Wish I could put a picture here, but it could put her in danger...
beautiful picture here
An international student from UT befriended Emma this last year. She moved away and gave Emma a TON of clothes. Emma was able to pick out many gifts for her sisters out of the things. It was one way that God has shown our family how HE wants to take care of us...

A family from China came to the US for 4 months so that the mother could be a visiting scholar at UT. I was put in contact with them because they have 2 children around my children's age. I was able to spend many hours with them as I took them to the Inner City Church TNC on a missions trip. They were also able to go to Emmanuel for 3 weeks. They had MANY chances to hear the gospel while they were here, I gave the mom a copy of Jesus Calling as a gift and pray that HE will do just that, call her to Himself! 

Jennifer is in the blue shirt next to Ellie. (2nd in on left front row)
This young lady has had a life that most movies would not show. She has survived horrible abuse and through the help of ACT has found a family that loves her. We have adopted her as our own and have spent 3 years helping her heal. She spent 7 months at a wonderful treatment center and is now continuing on her journey of healing. without ACT she would not have a home!
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO TO SUPPORT ACT! YOU are making an amazing difference.
believe it or not I could go on, there are many other stories like these from this year, I will do my best to share more over the coming months.
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